
Oct 30, 2006 22:26

so right now i'm supposed to be doing dishes. but i'm to tired to get up again. i just want to go to sleep but i still have a few things that have to get done before tomorrow. i was SUPPOSED to go see Saw III with Matt but since things didn't exactly follow through i am instead going trick or treating with my dear emmiboo. and it shall be grand. we're going to be retards (fairies) with wings && mardi gras masks!!

after school at Ms Petersen's art club we decorated cookies to sell tomorrow after school so we can raise money for trips and stuff. it was very mess but very fun. i hope we earn some money so we can do things. i would really like to go to one of those Gallery Walks in down town bay city.

Hhm;; i like a boii.. again. <3
I highly doubt he likes me though.. :(

ok my procrastinating has to stop before it gets to late. i need to get some sort of sleep tonight. NIGHT LOVES
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