I JUST GOT THE COOLEST USER PIC...i love calvin...and its hime making all of my favorite faces...thnx to CLAREEEE who found it for me...and who is going to visit me during frosh week YEEEuh soooo excited beyond exciteddom...and such...
So on saturday i attended the best party of my life...i'm not even going to lie, it was the highlight of my summer. There was NO drama, i was completly "happy" the entire night. Was perfectly fine in the morning...and i have 170 pictures to tell the tale lol. Honestly tho it was amazing. It was with all my work peeps who made the night complete and there was just soo much energy and yadda yadda. I think coolers are definatly the way to go for now...ta ta to the other nonesense. I had a few heart to heart talks...which were awsome. I love my workfriends sooo much. I'm going to miss them like none other. I have oodles of pictures but i don't want them here so check out my msn myspace dealie.
http://spaces.msn.com/members/mmhmmm/ Yesterday i went to the drive range twice lol. That was good times. I also got a bunch of pictures printed which was amazing. But last night i was watching a movie with mike and i was falling asleep so i went home because i had to drive home which wouldn't have been fun. And after a week off i have to go back to work which i think might kill me. But it'll be super cool fun times i'm sure.
Anywho thats all for now