stillness communities:
alias_stillnessFor the TV show "Alias", obviously.
buffy_stillnessThe original icon stillness community!
depp_stillnessThe sexy Johnny Depp!
jeng_stillnessJennifer Garner of Alias.
sarah_stillnessSarah Michelle Gellar.
sark_stillnessFor the character "Sark" on Alias.
slayer_stillThe slayers of BTVS.
other icon challenge communities...
buffied_iconsSelf explanitory...
depp_hushJohnny Depp again.
vogue_challengeCelebrity icontest community
elite icon communities:
areweoncommsElite Alias icontest community.
elite_threeFor Joss Whedon's TV shows Buffy, Angel & Firefly.
icon_crackIcon challenge community for all fandoms.