"GOD is in the rain!" : )

May 17, 2014 22:22

During my recent trip to NYC, Eye decided to walk from China Town to find The High Line >+=> A pretty Eyextensive walk, though quite normal for me, when in Manhattan! The High Line was once a raised Train trestle slated to be demolished until someone had the brilliant idea to turn it into a raised public park, which is such an !nspiring model of reclamation, as, what was once perceived as a problem, is, now, a BeautyFull Puzzle, with the biggest real estate construction project (a city within the city) in US history being built next to it! Funny, when it started raining, not wanting my camera to get too wet, Eye ducked under some stairs, until it slowed, as a couple from Europe joined me! : )

Dear John,
It was one of these rainiy days - at the highline last weekend where we were sharing a kind of shelter below metal stairs. You took some photos of us the water dripping on us.
Can you please send copies to us (male white hair and female short red hair) as a memory?
Thank you and best regards,
Pantelis (back in Europe already)

Walking The High Line >+=>

"...tho seemingly independent of one another, we are connected by invisible links...the truth of this has been born out in hundreds of instances and I am inviting other students of nature to devote attention to this subject believing that through combined and systematic efforts results of incalculable value to the world will be attained..." ~ Nikola Tesla

Angelic LOVE!
GOoD Dawn!

JS : ) Eyeclcetic.net
"Have Camera, Will Travel!"
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