In a sea of faceless people, a certain man whose head held up high stands out.
There must be something about him; an aura that attracts a thousand and One.
Our Finnish portfolio manager told us in a recent meeting → Managers are appointed, to help in accomplishing tasks of the group, while Leaders are natural-born and have commanding authority and Influence. (It's easy for a Leader to become a good Manager, but a Manager cannot easily be a good Leader) or something along that line.
In all these success that the group has been having, a known fact that it would not have been possible without the combined efforts of all five. But still, I'll give Yunho an extra pat on the back for keeping it all together (we'll never know how their group dynamic really works) yet then Leader-sshi had a big hand on this, this i'm sure! I believe in Yunho and his abilities!
Yunho exudes confidence (in-born and perfected through the years), to stand up and represent and voice out (and possibly add a few theatrics for impact) the combined ideas. Though sometimes he's being picked on for being like this, maybe he also likes the control; to keep situations in a manner he can handle. Though members testify that these are all a facade! and the real Jung Yunho - "child-like" and over-exaggerated comes out every once in a while, it's part of his charm too. There are many things to love about yunho.
adding to the list of things to love: the way he moves --
(scorching. sweltering. a fixation for yunho's enticing demeanor.)
or the way he presents himself (wearing that kick ass parka) --
(imo, the ultimate yunho-yah boyfriend/oppa pic, combi of a gentle yet rough exterior. eung.)
/Sigh. Yunho, the Kuya (older brother) i could never have. Something about mr. jung that makes me trust him this much. My wish for him last year came true (No More Injuries!) You're taking care of yourself already yunho :) Taking it slowly but surely. I'm glad. ♥
representing you and me
don't you wanna go down in history
cause I'm worth more than this.
i wanna break the mold,
i wanna break the stereotype
i'm leaving you my legacy
i gotta make my mark, i gotta run it hard
i want you to remember me
i'm leaving my fingerprints in the end
-- Katy Perry; Fingerprints
saengil chukhahae yunho-yah. saranghae~.
continue to make your mark in the world. &... see you! ;)