Nov 03, 2005 19:52
June 2nd? wtf? I used to live on here. Then I got addicted to MySpace. haha. it's the trendy thing to do. omg. shoot me.
If you ask me ... once you've been on myspace for 8 hours a day mon-fri .. it gets pretty lame. And yea ... it's getting pretty lame. Cuz I work. And don't really work. I play on myspace. boooooooooooorrrriiiiiiing. and lame. that's gay.
I don't know what this post is about. Let's see ....
I could make it about .....
--The show I auditioned for last night. School House Rock Live Too. It's the second one. I was in the first one. A whole bunch from the first were sposed to audition ... but I was the only one. Disappointing. Most people are these days.
--Work. I'm receptionist. I came in knowing that I was only temporary until they decided what to do with the position ... they've decided to make me permanent. And with that, comes a raise. I'm all for it of course. How much of a raise??? I do not know. But I'm at $10 right now. So if it's better than that ... I have no complaints.
--The lady who wants to pay me $5,000 to go with her and her 5 year old son to L.A. for one month in January. So he and I can go on auditions for pilot season and she can still do her business. She needs someone there to watch him while she does her shit. She asked me. Good opportunity. but I'll miss Brian. And what about work? I just got placed permanently. I'm still thinking.
--Brian breaking his collarbone. In three different places. Playing football with the guys. Last Sunday. I wasn't going to go cuz I don't like football .. mainly cuz I have no idea what is going on ... but I decided to go and support him and be a good gf. Good thing I went cuz an hour and a half later I had to drive him to the ER where we waited almost two hours to get in and another hour for them to tell us it was broken. in three place. "if you're gunna do it, do it right. and you did it right," said the doctor. Funny. That's exactly what I said 5min before. Surgery? They said yes. But the guy he's going to up at Nellis says he might not. That worries me. Three places? And he doesn't need any screws or anything? come on. Just do it and get it over with ... he's in pain. help him out. Then he'd be in a funky little cast for about 6 weeks. That's great. But hey .. him doing this means I get to live there till he's better. Or at least until he can do things for himself. He can't even shower very well. I gotta help him with that. And he can't really get dressed ... he especially has trouble with shirts. And I gotta get him situated in bed every night. Not so bad. Except that his friends come over at all hours of the night and don't leave so I don't get to sleep until late and then I gotta get up early early to go to work. No bueno. Especially when you're PMSing. But other than that I love it. I love taking care of him and being there for him because I love him. "you two are so cute. you're such a good girlfriend. get married already!" said one friend. I agree. LoL. Except we're a little young. Hopefully we'll move out soon tho. I want to. No more living with parents. And definitely no more living with his mom. She gets so anal about things sometimes. It's like, dude! calm down! You're not gunna die if I wait five minutes until I clean up the dishes that I just had to wash to even use ... it wasn't a problem when you cooked and then didn't clean it yesterday. I'm cooking for your son who cannot cook for himself anymore. Geez.
--Our one year anniversary is coming up. Sadly ... we won't be able to do it. I don't know what we'll be doing. He's broken.
--There's a rumor going around SVHS that I'm pregnant. people are stupid.
--I'm bored. cuz I drove Brian to school cuz obviously he can't. so now I'm sitting on his account doing nothing. Mostly on myspace which I'm getting pretty sick of .. like I said before.
--I want sleep. And food sounds nice too.
yeah that's it. nothing else to say or bitch about. have a nice day.