Aug 29, 2004 17:24
last day in co.. sad to say i gotta go.. grr..
well i went to my cousins church play this morning and he was amazing as usual, my aunt is going in for surgery to cali today and she started crying when she hugged him goodbye.. it made me cry too. we don't know if she will make it. yeah.
i have had a lot of good conversations with my mom in the last week.. low and behold she has emotions and she told me she'll miss me. i'll be back soon enough, i think.
guess when i get home i have a lot to do.. my mom confirmed that and that's what i'll have to do... which is fine i suppose, still don't know if i will take the job at hot topic, still don't have a car
i really wanted that silver civic but whatever.. it looked like a me car,, but for car number seven i guess it doesn't matter, there are only so many me cars i can have. i'm all packed and ready, i have to leave ass early tomorrow for the aeropuerto.. sad sad..
i have to go back to finish what i started, then i can start over again..