Mar 12, 2011 03:58
about 1.5 months into my friends starting work, all the stressed out and upset facebook statuses are going up. some of them are fairly legit (e.g. friend in a temp agency got NO training whatsoever, another friend just frustrated with the phones not shutting up and letting her do her job).. others are exactly what I predicted -- people not emotionally ready for the jobs they wanted and accepted.
you know.. those jobs in particular that are known to be harder, more emotionally taxing.. the ones that after 12 hrs of clinicals, their faces showed the drain behind a very fake smile and "this is so amazing!"
I'm almost bitter that the best jobs got handed to some of these people first. already, some are questioning continuing them. hiring managers didn't choose right, I guess. some of them will find it's just a stressful time and end up being perfectly okay. time will tell.
when I start, will I be be full of love and rainbows? probably not, but I will not be that person either. I know full well what path I have chosen to be in the ICU, and I will never regret that path. it is not an easy path, nor do I want it to be. life is only as rewarding as the road you travel. and to me, rewarding comes from the complexity of situations like those in the ICUs. it is the only place I have been able to use my brain to its full capacity, and has spurred me to look into things I don't even need to know. I also have proper individuals to whom I can bitch and moan. a bff nurseabee, a mom with medical knowledge, and several people that can redirect my attn at a whim? I think I will be fine. and after a year, I can start looking into bigger and better hospitals, with better SICU's and neuro ICUs... I know I'll probably end up in the SICU, as my complex traumas REGARDLESS OF BRAIN INJURIES will end up there, always... strokes and aneurysms in neuro ICU more likely ~
for that matter, I actually managed to put it out there that I may be slightly afraid of losing contact with some friends since my schedule will be hectic. I was reassured it wouldn't be an issue at all. <3