Whee! Website!

Sep 24, 2002 22:48

I finally did it. A site.

Forehead Space: the homepage of the Eyebrow of Doom. Here 'tis. As people with manners say in relation to precisely this sort of thing. Ehem. [ETA August 2010: I'm at http://eyebrowofdoom.oscillating.net now!]

It bears no resemblance to what my darlingest fiancee began putting together for me as a kickstart. But I hope she still loves me anyway... *mince* *flutter*

Now that I have posted the URL, there will be something dreadfully wrong with it. I have looked at it on different machines, different OSes, different browsers, I have clicked every freaking link, but there *will* be something wrong.

If you find it, please tell me!


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