I learned today that Kassie/
ethrosdemon /
syncope /
Kassandra Sims died on 27 September 2016.
It sounds there won’t be any kind of public memorial type stuff happening. Information (there is very little) is here:
I knew her originally from Buffy, then later Lotrips, then CW (Smallville/Supernatural) - she was a key early founder of fannish infrastructure in the Supernatural fandom. Did not know her well but always enjoyed exchanging comments. She was sharp and hilarious, and her fic (both fan fic and published pro fic) was wonderful.
I’m also feeling sad about the dispersal of the livejournal fandom diaspora and how we have not been able to maintain anything like the kind of cohesion we used to have there. Feel like there is almost no one left on deck to do the kind of public mourning we used to do. IF I DIE, YOU GUYS HAD BETTER NEVER STOP POSTING ABOUT ME FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (ok?).
http://eyebrowofdoom.tumblr.com/post/151138682879/sad-news-about x-posted at
Dth with
comments. Comment wherever you like (scraps of paper posted in the tree outside your house may not be received right away).