Fic: Long exposure (Lotrips, Viggo/Orlando, NC-17) 1 of 1

Jan 07, 2013 16:16

Whee, more fic! I am revisiting old fandom haunts. It was lovely but slightly anxious-making to write for
chaosmanor, since her Viggorli was so strikingly lovely back in the day.

Long exposure

Fandom: Lord of the Rings Real Person Slash
Pairing: Viggo/Orlando
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He's been in Idaho, painting, since the start of fall, when the tamarack trees went golden.
Notes: Contains mentions of RL spouses and children. A gift for
chaosmanor for Lotrips Slashababy 2012. Thanks to
hope for beta reading.

x-posted at Dth with
comments. Comment wherever you like (scraps of paper posted in the tree outside your house may not be received right away).

fic challenges, my fic, lotrips

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