Melbourne, why you do us like this? Basically, it was above 40 degrees until 7pm at night on New Year's Eve. We were in a fancy beachside restaurant being fancy and absolutely sweltering, because their aircon was fucked or something. It turned out that as we sweltered through our courses and the hours passed, the cool change swept in like Dracula being dramatic-even-for-him and it became quite brisk outside on the beach. Too brisk, in fact, for the swim I'd been looking forward to, when we finally emerged from our hot fancy hell-tent.
Oh well, I hung out with girlz, got drunk and made people poke my foam-contoured bather boobs SO I GUESS IT WAS OKAY*.
In fandom news, I did lotrips
BUT... I am so dilligent, I have recs:
- Easy Now, Stuart Townsend/Elijah Wood, Dominic Monaghan/Elijah Wood, NC-17
- Great, sensitive, likeable Elijah POV. He's all professional and driven, but also really young and trying to find his way socially. There is an ill-fated relationship with Stuart that he stays in to save face as much as anything, as you do when you are that age. And then DOM'S SQUISHY FACE happens and we all nom on it like babies with teething rings forever the end.
- Riding Double, Karl Urban/Viggo Mortensen/Sean Bean, NC-17
- A romp involving a saddle. Everything after the saddle got involved became a red haze.
- I'll Tell You Why I Can't Find You, Viggo Mortensen/Dominic Monaghan, R.
- This one was written for MEEEEEE. A super-hyper Dom is taken on a fishing trip by deadpan Viggo. Many entertaining things happen, including Dom having a squashed squid in his ear. Viggo is all like, "Young man, I'm going to take you in hand and sort you out," and then Dom is like, "Well, that's not what your penis thinks".
* Especially the bit where I bought these terrible random-brand gummy bears and they smelled like doll makeup - you know, that non-toxic novelty toy makeup? And I really wanted people to agree that that was what they smelled like? So then I kept demanding that people smell my fingers? Yeah. You wish you hung out with me.