Event 5B: Magic Club

Jan 01, 2010 03:17

Arthur smiled in satisfaction. It was finally done. Though, he did have to change it a little, he was quite happy with how it turned out. He hung the poster on the door. It read:

Black Magic Club ( Read more... )

magic, event, club, ic

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OH I SEE YOU THAR~ bela_natalia January 1 2010, 08:46:50 UTC
Natalia had been scrambling around the place, not only because she couldn't find her brother, but partly because the layout of the school was significantly different than the one she had previously attended. Mentally cursing, she nearly tore a poster hanging from a door she had hastily thrown open.

"Grck!", she made a strange sound of surprise as the bottom of the poster flapped out at her. It seemed like the tape had come undone on the bottom due to her erratic movement.

"What the hell is this?!", Natalia demanded, swiping it away from her face.


I SEE YOU TOO eyebrow_scone January 1 2010, 08:52:47 UTC
"O-oi! Be careful with that! That took me quite awhile to make!"

Arthur quickly grabbed the tape he had left in the room, and fixed the bottom. After he finished, he glanced at the girl. She looked slightly flustered, like she had been running for awhile. He felt his inner gentleman come to the surface.

"Are you alright?"


WAIT, STOP LOOKING, I GET SELF-CONSCIOUS! bela_natalia January 1 2010, 08:58:26 UTC
"I'm fine.", she automatically replied, straightening her hair in a more presentable fashion.

"More importantly, have you seen my brother?", she asked.

But that was when she saw that.

"Are those love potions?!", the girl asked, pointing incredulously at some bottles with heart-shaped decorations around them. Not only that, she just had the feeling that they were something related to love.


*LOOKS AWAY* I-I'M VERY SORRY ABOUT THAT. DON'T HIT ME. eyebrow_scone January 1 2010, 09:08:08 UTC
Right when Arthur was about to state that he wasn't quite sure who her brother was, her outburst caught him off-guard.

"Hmm?" he questioned, peeking into the room. "Oh, the one with the hearts?" Arthur straightened proudly. "Why, yes they are. I made them myself. Quite an eye you have," Arthur stated, a smile slowly coming over his face.

"Would you like a closer look?" he asked stepping into the room.


I AIN'T GON' HIT YOU, GRAMPS. bela_natalia January 1 2010, 09:15:03 UTC
She nearly preened at the compliment. It was only by sheer self-control that she retained her semi-straight face. Of course she would recognize something like that!

Natalia stepped forward along with him before she said, "Yes.".

She had been slightly looked down upon on when her peers had found out that she had used love potions. They believed it to be for girls who were unable to acheive their love interest's attention by their own power.

They obviously didn't know just how desperate Natalia was. "Does it work?", she asked. Oh, how failure was her closest companion.


...THANK YOU ((I LOL'D AT THAT FIRST LINE, NOT GONNA LIE)) eyebrow_scone January 1 2010, 09:23:30 UTC
Arthur wasn't quite sure why this girl was so interested in his potion, but he wasn't going to be rude to someone who seemed interested in his magic.

"Of course it does. I made it myself, and I have been using magic for quite awhile now." He gently picked up the closest bottle and turned it, almost as if inspecting it. "Magic has been in my family for centuries, and I have the best spells and recipes for almost anything." After a slight pause, he ventured out.

"Love problems?" After realizing what he just said, Arthur's cheeks colored. That...was probably too blunt.


WHAT-WHY?! IT'S JUST BECAUSE SHE DOESN'T GET PRAISED OFTEN! bela_natalia January 1 2010, 09:31:42 UTC
She brightened at the news. If he was really as experienced as he said he was, then the percentage of it actually working this time would be significantly higher than all the other times she had used them.

But her face fell slightly as he asked his question. "...Yes.", Natalia admitted. It wasn't comfortable doing so for her, but it was the truth.

"And I don't understand why he just won't admit that we're perfect together, and marry me!", she explained.

"And everytime I try one of these,", Natalia picked up another bottle and shook it gently, "It always fails.", she frowned.


BECAUSE I LIKE THE WORD 'PREEN'. IT SOUNDS LIKE A PEACOCK. OR FRANCE. eyebrow_scone January 1 2010, 09:41:01 UTC
Arthur was surprised by this girl. He expected her to get angry, not open up. Though he wasn't complaining; Arthur didn't really like trouble.

"Well, while I think we are all a bit too young for marriage," he said, giving her a wary glance, "this potion will definitely work. I've witnessed it myself. And my grandparents have told me many times that I was best in the family at magic of any kind, so you can be certain that my potions are the best."

Maybe he was bragging too much. But that didn't really matter. It felt good to say he was the best.


IT DOES, DOESN'T IT? WHUPS. bela_natalia January 1 2010, 09:53:03 UTC
She gave him a look at his spoken opinion about marriage, but turned back towards the little vials of liquid.

"How much are you selling these for?", Natalia asked. Hopefully, the asking price wouldn't be too much.

She was only given enough spending money to get by, and even then, it was quite a pathetic amount compared to probably most of the other students here.

Then again, that plane ticket from Russia to here wasn't all that cheap either. And since that was out of her own pocket, Natalia was a little reluctant to actually buy the love potion instead of high-tailing it out of there, effectively making her a petty thief.

And she didn't want to make a bad impression for her brother, so she had to do this the good and honest way.

But if the price was too high...well, she wasn't opposed to using her knives to 'bargain'.


IT'S OKAY. YOU KNOW, I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE EMBROIDERY CLUB. ;__; (It's 3 b/c of Norge xD) eyebrow_scone January 1 2010, 10:06:03 UTC
Arthur frowned slightly. "I don't like to make a habit out of selling the potions, miss. That's more of my parent's job. But..." A grin came over Arthur's face. Maybe this was the solution to his membership problem! After all, he did need three members, including himself, to keep the club running.

"I wouldn't be totally averse to giving it to you... If you joined my club." he gestured towards the sign. "This way we both win. I give you this," he waved the vial slowly in front of her, "and I get a much needed member for my club. What do you say?"

((...Don't ask me why he has them if he's not selling them. orz Bad planning. ;A;)


Oh, she did not like that grin on his face.

But the solution he gave...

Natalia shifted her head towards the sign. Oh. So it said 'Black Magic Club'.

"Deal.", she said, grabbing the potion from, and cradling it her hands. If she was part of this 'club', then maybe she could attain more such items from this man.

"...what do I have to do, exactly?", Natalia asked. Or maybe, this was what she should have done before agreeing. Thing relating to her brother and the subject of love often drove her to do crazy and rash things.

Most of the time, she didn't regret them. But there were some ideas that didn't turn out so well.


I GUESS. 'CAUSE I'M AWESOME LIKE THAT. :D eyebrow_scone January 1 2010, 10:32:39 UTC
Arthur grin only grew wider. Well, that turned out rather well. He let her take the bottle from his hands.

"You wouldn't be required to do much. I mostly just need someone to aid me when I make the potions. It's not too troublesome, but it is when there's only one person. Though, potions aren't the only things I'd need help with. I can also make voodoo dolls and things, but those take awhile to sew. It would be helpful to have an extra hand..." He paused for a moment before continuing. "That's not too difficult for you, is it?"


YOU CRAZY PERSON, YOU~ <333 bela_natalia January 1 2010, 10:58:02 UTC

Was that mockery?!

"It's no problem at all.", Natalia replied.

This would seriously cut into her finding-Ivan time, and her getting-Ivan-to-marry-me-time. Damn it. That actually sounded like a lot to do.

But he was challenging her. And it's not like she could back down from that! If Ivan were here, he would think she was weak! Actually...this might work out in her favor.

She might have just found something that Ivan might praise her for!

Having assured herself that this was a good idea, she crossed her arms in determination.

"I can do it."


THANK YOU. <3333 eyebrow_scone January 1 2010, 11:12:00 UTC
Arthur couldn't help but feel slightly smug. He now had member number one. And she got her love potion which she needed for whatever crazy reason. Poor girl must be desperate.

"Great. I could use your help right now, actually. I was unpacking my materials, and I could benefit from an extra hand. I'll take care of the potions and things. Can you please put those books in that box on the bookshelf over there? That's all that really needs to be done now. When you are done with that, you are free to take that," he pointed to the bottle still nestled in the girl's hands, "and you can be on your way to find your brother." He hoped that this would appease the girl, because she still looked quite wary of him. Though he couldn't blame her. She didn't even know his name.

"I'm Arthur Kirkland, by the way," he said as he moved to finish unpacking the vials, placing them gently on some shelves.


Unpacking? Putting books on shelves? That sounded pretty easy.

"Natalia Arlovskaya.", she revealed her name as well, and moved toward the boxes. Pocketing the love potion, and exchanging it for a knife in her hand, she tore open the cardboard at the seam, and was met with some very strangely-titled books.

She began placing them on the shelves, but one title in particular caught her curiosity.

"Is Mysical Embroidery actually possible?", she asked, raising an eyebrow. The cover had a nice picture on it. It was some lacy design, and she had to admit that it was pretty.


Looking away from the many bottles in the box, Arthur looked over to Natalia.

"Of course it is! If the Kirklands wrote a book on it, it can be done. My family, as I think I mentioned, is quite brilliant when it comes to magic." He looked over at the cover design and smiled. "It looks quite pretty, doesn't it? We could make it if you want..."


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