On Friday I came home and relaxed and then I went to the Illinois vs. Delaware State basketball game. Illinois won by 20 points. Yeay, for Illinois. Also, just FYI, Illinois played Nebraska in soccer on Saturday and one 2-1. They are now in the Elite 8 and their next game is versus Santa Clara. Yikes! That's gonna be a death match. On Saturday I hung around and did homework and read my book all day. I stayed up until like 1 o'clock to finish my book, Shopaholic & Sister. It was really good just like the previous three in the series, I suggest you read them if you haven't done so already. This morning I woke up at like 11 o'clock, bleh I hate waking up that late and I did some work because there was another Illinois basketball game which I attended today. I am right now doing Spanish homework, we have to present a collection we have. My collection that I am presenting is of my many soccer t-shirt. That should be interesting. Anyway, I'm really excited because this week is a short we and THANKSGIVING will be here. Then when we get back to school after our short Thanksgiving break, it's practically DECEMBER, and december=CHRISTMAS. Hooray! Okay, back to Spanish. -Jackie
Everyone buy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on Tuesday.
edit: i found these pictures on the fighting illini website. They are from the U of I soccer summer camp. I love these pictures because they remind me of what an awesome summer it was .. The first one is of me and Alexsis and the second one is me with Janet Rayfield - the head coach of the U of I women's soccer team.