Nothing Much Going On.

May 31, 2004 11:41

Last night was fun. Mogz came over. We talked about stuff and we made her a journal. Actually, I set it up for her. She's using one of my old blends for a header. Check it out (lj user="__beauteous">). Then we just watched Romeo & Juliet the DiCaprio/Danes version. I watched the whole thing, but Mogz fell asleep when Mercutio died. Then this morning we just watched TV until she had to leave. I'm watching the ABC Family Channel. I'm thinking I'm just gonna play around on Adobe and stuff today, being that's one of my favorite things to do. Maybe I'll made another mood thing (a better one than my Reese one).

Does anyone know of DVD playing software that will let you image cap the movie? Like I have Power DVD on my computer and I think that someone once told me that you can press something on there that will capture the image. I don't just the print screen button because whenever I do that it doesn't work :( So if anyone knows how to get Power DVD to image cap and stuff, please tell me!

Word of the Day - penultimate - n. The next to the last

okay bye - Jackie
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