Sep 26, 2008 16:29
I've been playing MMO's now for about 2 years. It's quite the addiction.
Nate asked me yesterday, "This all started with Guild Wars. WHY did you start playing that game??"
It started with a bored college student picking up a random new game in Best Buy, getting hooked, and dragging her boyfriend down with her. lol He said there was nothing else he could do, I was always playing the game. Our very, very first MMO toons were a tank and healer combo. We found a lot of groups that way. lol If a group needed a tank, he could get me in b/c who didn't need more heals?? If a group needed a healer, I could always get him in b/c who didn't need a tank?? lol
We never really did the guild/community thing though. I mean, brief sorties into the guild lifestyle without any attachment occured. People never really got to know us, we'd disappear and not care. But then LoTRO happened. Once our real life friends quit early on, I got us into a "kinship" with a group of people who seemed to know what they were doing, we made friends, and there we held out for about a year. My first LoTRO toon was a hunter named "Lothlanriel," which is apparently too difficult for the average gamer to say, so I became "Loth." Not just "became known as," I BECAME "Loth." lol After a year's worth of hearing myself referred to as "Loth" in voice chat over and over, everyday, isn't it natural to sometimes think of myself as "Loth?" It's feels more natural in the last year to hear myself referred to as "Loth" instead of my previous common knickname, "Kan."
Now recently, we've migrated to WoW. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? lol Everyone starts out in WoW then moves on??
We've been playing with 3-4 real life friends in our own private guild of alts. It's been fun! And it's nice to know your groupmates, call them up or text them to see if they want to log on for something, and trust them completely with crafting your stuff, fair trades, and passing on gear you'd rather see them have, etc. But.
I kind of miss the large family environment of a kinship. Most of the guilds in WoW seem to be loot-centric, they own your soul, and people are pretty much looking out for number 1 and the good of the raid machine--you're either in or you're out (<-- insert german Project Runway voice here lol).
When none of those 3-4 RL friends are on, there's not a lot that Nate and I can really do with just 2 people. It feels kind of lonely like Guild Wars was... I just don't seem to possess the guts to PuG anymore like I did in Guild Wars. I've been spoiled by guild groups in LoTRO!! Not that I think the groups will be horrible, but that they'll find fault with me who just started playing a couple months ago.
And I kind of miss being called Loth...