Apr 16, 2007 09:45
So yeah, finally broke down and played Guitar Hero this weekend. I feel like a 15 yr old boy. Actually.... I probably have just cause to feel like that 80% of the time... based on habits and appearance. lol
Aaron's dad and step-mom bought it for him to play when he comes over. So we came over, too. Fun stuff. Except DDR doesn't translate over like you think it would.... Nathan and now Jeff (?) can beat me on medium, and Aaron has practiced so much he can blow me away. Let's just get you boys on a DDR mat see where you're at...
So yeah. Randomly decided to go buy a PS2 and Guitar Hero II @ Best Buy, last night after church. lol There goes a paycheck.
I've always wanted a PS2. But I really love my Xbox, too.... It's just like 4 years ago, when it was time to decide which one I wanted, I was in turmoil. lol The PS2 isn't as good of a system and the games don't have as good of graphics, but I like they're storylines and the sheer volume of games I want to play. Xbox has great looking games and all of my friends have one (especially Nathan) and we can LAN.... but there aren't as many games I'm really interested in...
So now I have both!! And as soon as this semester is over, I'm gonna go buy and play all the games I've been missing out on, like Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, God of War. ^__________________________^ I'm so uber-excited. "Honey, I didn't know you wanted a PS so bad...." Well, yeah. It's not easy to miss all the times I've stopped in the PS isle and looked at FF12 and said "I want to play that, one day."
AND exciting discovery: I don't need any $63 (?!?!?!?!) component cables for the HD TV downstairs. The one I got for my Xbox has 2 end-y thingies. And one of them is for the PS2!! YAY!!! *happy dance*
So yeah. Be happy for me. XD
Weekend in Review:
All in all..... moderately ok. I only had the equivalent of one full fun day. I slept all day saturday until going to aaron's.... kind of wastes it..
Today is... I don't know. Semi-sucky. I woke up at 9:20, when I'm supposed to be to work at 9. Rachel reamed me out this morning about waking up the "whole house" with my alarm clocks--but it's hard to care when you only got 3 hours of sleep. Yell all you want, I'm hearing you through a haze and I'm not gonna remember it until an hour or so after I wake up. So yeah. I hurtled out of bed, in the car, and here I am. Took me maybe 15 minutes? ( me ~~> =__= *squint squint*) Oh, what a sad, disheveled state I'm in. But all I really I care about today is taking this OB test in a couple hours and buying a memory card for my PS2 (forgot they don't have harddrives >___<.... lame...).
Even though the sun is shining outside, there's a strong cold wind... and I think that'll be pretty symbolic of my day, really. It just feels like it won't be as good as I expect, for some reason. *sigh* Maybe sleep deprivation gives one a cynical outlook on life.
Quote of the Weekend: "Yeah, someone with an IQ of at least 80 point on the richter scale...."
guitar hero