Jul 30, 2006 02:53
keeping all things vague, as is my tradition, i will say this...
i have come to a grand conclusion (or maybe an edited version of a prior conclusion) that you can all kiss my ass. and yes i know that's an arrogant thing to say... but most of you do deserve at least a little slap in the face from yours truly. i hope no one still actually reads this thing... but if you do i'm glad to know that you know that i'm glad that you get to read this. i think it was john kennedy who once said, "forgive your enemies, but never forget their names." anyone who i have known personally in this town has given me a reasonable right to have lost respect for them and to have distanced myself the way i have. anyone with an ounce of self-respect would have done the same. i will not be the person who gives up and says "well if these are the only friends available to me i guess i'm doing what they're doing." i won't stop believin that there are in fact humans on this earth who have decency (even at our age and in our age) and who are GENUINE.
Main Entry: genuine
Function: adjective
Text: 1. being exactly as appears or as claimed [had a genuine van Gogh painting hanging in their living room] -- see AUTHENTIC 1
2. free from any intent to deceive or impress others [a woman so genuine she freely spoke her mind without fear of what others would think]