Re: ive been summoned to spread the word

Jun 12, 2006 21:08

You were more like a son that i could realistically ask for at this time in my life. I know i changed your name alot. In the 6th my name was transformed from beau to wesley. i hated the name beau. I figured you hated the name joaquin because i did and still do. i gave you names for every situation that i thought you might be faced with. In the event that Metal doods approached i gave you your metal name. jacup BAttle axe, Virgins blood.

Santiago Emanual Rosalanda. If you ever met up with some mexicans.

Jeruslem Akbar Abdullah. The nation of islam was hot on my heals and i thought they would question a fish named Jacup.

I called you jacup, and i often told you not to lie to me, man. I didnt mean it. i would take one thousand lies with you alive over one second without you swimming on top of the fridge.

I am sorry i move too much. I am also sorry for being only slightly a better dad than my own.

i love you.

i am also sorry for givving you an energy drink.

what a bad year for pets.


albert had perfect teeth protected by the worst breath ever.
50 pounds and slim and sleek. i miss him more than anything else.

dont look at me.
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