I wish i could write something with sense but apparently i can't.
anyway. i'm finally home. almost a month now. i'm glad but i still miss this crazy may i had in Scotland. parties, people...awsome ;D
x i feel like i'm only for few weeks here, at home...my constant feeling since 2007. and i'm afraid that next year, when i'm done with uni in UK, i'm gonna miss my journeys..sooo..i'm thinking about doing MSc in Sctld. but i don't have money and i doubt that SAAS will pay for that ;/ oh well..
x i have new glasses. but since i don't look very attractive lately i won't show a pic. maybe later. and i finally see everything clearly (last time i had my sight checked was in 2006...)
x i'm in love with Florence's song Hardest of hearts. amazing <3
bonus: somewhere in Sctld.