Sep 07, 2005 15:05
Cloudy days for me...Just found out My brother and I got $6,500 estomated stolen from us by our dad within the last 2 years....all for boggles my mind how we can lose the the envoy when someone talkes over 5 grand from us. I felt so pissed, hurt...EVERYTHING, rolled into one. =/ what can you do...
except argue and threaten small claims court, then get called cold blooded cause Im taking my own family to court---Fuck Them..they stole from us first...
I chased some guy down that talked shit to me at mcdonalds. NO ONE TELLS ME ALL MCDONALDS EMPLOYEES ARE PIECES OF SHIT. We work our ass off there. So i saw him walking down the street when i was off work, i chased him down. He tried jumping a fence, i leaped it jumped on him and he fell, i grabbed his main arteries in his neck and cut the circulation off to his brain. He eventually passed out in 20 secs. It gave me such a great feeling that i could have killed him. Just 20 more seconds. I was playing god!!!! I cant wait till Iraq!