(no subject)

Jul 17, 2006 16:11

Hokay! Seeing as though random triva is the next meme, here goes.

Why are you never on IRC? For ... like the three people who never knew, I'm Australian - east coast if you want to be more precise. Brisbane, if you know Australian geography! This is not unique or special. Well, the living in Brisbane part is, unless windtear apps and gets in. What is unusual and special is that I do not access CFUD from a home connection. While my parents do have an internet connection, I am rarely permitted to access it and my mother does regularly rip the telephone wires out of the wall.

What does this mean? It means that I am limited to access the internet while at uni, work or at an internet cafe. My university's server has been set up to prevent IRC from working, and I really, really doubt that my employer would appreciate my accessing IRC while at work. Basically, if I am not on IRC, I am physically incapable of getting onto it, and thus asking me to get on will result in an apologetic email saying "I'm really sorry, but I can't". What this also means is that in order to communicate with other players, I need to use email. I beg you, please respond to my emails. It is the only way I can keep in contact with you and I cannot stress enough how much I rely on them.

Contacting me:
Email: nights.mistress[at]gmail.com
AIM: darkling30
IRC: Kisa, Simon

If you are emailing me, please put 'CFUD' somewhere in the header. I'll read it even if you don't, but CFUD stuff gets priority over things like "omg NM did you hear about Andrew's bare tummy!" Which, while cool, doesn't need to be answered immediately. Shut up. I am a sad fangirl.

Why don't you play Kisa as often as you do Simon?
Kisa's very hard to play. She's shy, skittish and it's very hard to stick her in threads because she would be constantly thinking that she's intruding. Simon, on the other hand, has no such fear, because he's Simon Tam, dammit, and he knows he's good enough to be there. It's very hard for me to get into Kisa's mindset because it means that I have to pretend that I'm afraid of people and so I don't play her as much. If, however, you want a thread with Kisa, let me know! I am happy to bring her out if you want her!

Do you hate me, Kisa/Simon-mun? You sound so mean in posts sometimes!
Nah, hating is effort. I have an anti-hate policy. For a start, remembering that we've always been at war with Eurasia is hard and I am lazy. However, and this has to be odd, but I'm a second year law/psychology student. It means that although my grammar may be slap-dash sometimes, I am being trained to be verbally assertive and this includes in my writing. Unfortunately, I ... forget to turn that off. Most of the time, I do, but sometimes I forget. I have to ask that if it happens that you remember that I'm not being personal about it. I don't hate you, it's simply that I'm being trained to sound very confident and utterly above reproach when I write stuff. I try and combat that by allowing my naturally scatterbrained and rather flippant personality through whenever possible but. Work with me!

Policy on beta-ing:
I suck. I'm okay at giving a general impression of what I think of an application, but if you want someone to go over your application line by line, unless it's something I know backwards and forwards - and I'm sad to say that there really aren't any Firefly characters left for camper apps - then I'm not your girl. That said, if you do ask me to read over it and I tell you "fix this, that and something else", I will still vote on your application. Is it a guaranteed in? Hell no. I don't abstain unless it's for KH or Seed characters because I haven't seen the canons for both and really, I am spoiled enough already.

Cliques and Thread Dropping
Now, I could go all psychologist on you and say that ingroups and outgroups are perfectly normal in a group that is larger than two people and that in a group of over sixty people, that it's quite probable that there are many ingroups. This is the nature of groups. That said, I am not in an ingroup. I think I'm a peripheral member of several ingroups, but I am not a member of an ingroup proper. This doesn't make me sad, because to be honest? Ingroups kinda suck. But anyway. If you want to chat with my characters, go for it. I actively invite you to. If you want to talk to Kisa and Simon's the only character you see, contact me and I will bring them out for you ... assuming I'm online.

As for thread dropping, I generally drop threads when I run out of things to say. Yes, Simon does run out of things to say, he of the multi paragraphed responses to things. Most of the time this is to do with people who give me non-committals and ellipses to work off. If this is all you ever give me, then I will find it very difficult to interact with your character. Your character may be the most awesome person and someone who would click with mine immediately. If you never give any suggestion of that in replies, then I will lose interest. That said, I will often reply to threads long afterwards, because I know that my timezone sucks. I do not take offence to people not replying to these threads. I do, however, become somewhat hurt when I reply to people's posts on a regular basis and these comments are never answered. But that is a different thing altogether!

Am I Making You Nervous?
I love it when I can quote my characters in these things. But, if I am doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable, contact me first. Do not sit on it for months. Do not hope that I can read your mind. I really can't - transatlantic telepathic hurts like a bitch. If I make you uncomfortable, then you need to say so. Of course, then you will probably get emails back from me suggesting ways that we can work around this while I ask All Important Questions like "why is all the rum gone" and "why is it cold?" Oh, and wondering about whether Fiyero is tattooed all the way down and if so, why?

I'm actually a pretty happy, cheerful person most of the time. I just wonder strange things. And you know you were wondering the same thing.

Locks and stuff
Sohma stuff remains behind the lock. Reveal that and I will not be happy. Simon, I'm fairly loose about. I'd appreciate links to all reveals about things like "Simon's a criminal" because I like to know just who's arresting Simon when and for what, that sort of thing.

I do not post in the cfud_concrit comm. This is not to say that I do not want concrit, but that I would rather that it be emailed to me personally, rather than be readable by the entire community, whether anonymous or not. It becomes far easier to open a dialogue when both parties are not being watched by the entire community and it's more personal. It means that it's not feeding into my "oh my god, everyone hates what I do with Simon and Kisa I should just curl in a ball and die" complex.

Not a problem! Tap me and let me know! If you're doing a plot which will adversely affect either character, I want to know. If you're doing a plot in the hospital, Girls Cabin 3 or Boys Cabin 19, I want to know. If you're a Sohma, then we are probably still emailing about how GODDAMMIT THE PEGASUS IS MINE. I'd like 24 hours notice before anything is instituted because sometimes I'm not at a computer, sometimes I'm asleep and sometimes I'm actually doing that study thing. I like jumping in on plots, but you do need to let me know beforehand. I do get overwhelmed by CFUD sometimes and that does cause a problem.

OKAY. So, if you want to ask to do something with Kisa or Simon, go nuts!
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