I stole this from Emily:
you are aquamarine
Your dominant hues are cyan and green. Although you definately strive to be logical you care about people and know there's a time and place for thinking emotionally. Your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days.
Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.
Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
the spacefem.com html color quiz It's pretty true I would say. :P
So Rachel ~ first step - be awesome like that and wait another month :)
~ second step - tell me what your plans are and I have vito power ;) Seriously - I do
~ third step - you'll see when you get there :P
Now that that's all settled.....today was pretty fun. I love my pantomime (a car accident where I get rear-ended and super pissed off). Dance was fun tonight. Cheryl's ballet class was nuts, teaching grade 3 was good (the girls were really talkative, but we did get through everything except 2 things cause we didn't remember what the combo was), tap was sweet (I'm beginning to like tap more and more :D ), and ballet was really fun except for Hilary getting stuck on that one step not being the same. It's like come on, get over it - adapt! TCB! :P ok well anyways I had an awesome steak dinner too, and that's why I'm still awake ~ not going to bed on a full stomach. :) Amanda did her arm thing and it made me smile. My relatives in Texas are great and have no damage on their house!!! (Just some slight tree damage and they have to clean their pool - yay!) My grade 5 certificate was upside-down so miss junes taking care of that for me. I got an NHS letter telling me I'll find out if I'm accepted by late october. The dance-a-thon is 10/29 ~ please make pledges! I got school pictures today and they are my favorite ones I've ever gotten. I'm happy with them :)
ok goodnight all ~~~ off to think about sleeping :P
<333 xoxo
ps. guess what I'm defining: a bushy-tailed animal that scurries up trees and eats nuts ~~~ haha yess s.s.! I <3 you!