Nov 20, 2005 22:59
Have you ever...
01. Fallen for your best friend?: hehe YES!
02. Made out with JUST a friend?: nope
03. Been rejected?: yeah
04. Been in love?: i am right now :)
05. Been in lust?: dunno
06. Used someone?: no
07. Been used?: yeah
08. Cheated on someone?: no
09. Been cheated on?: yes
10. Been kissed?: yes
11. Done something you regret?: prolly
Last Person:
12. You touched?: myself ;) muahaha lol
13. You talked to?: my dad
14. You hugged?: mel at work
15. You instant messaged?: my boooger pie faceeeeee
16. You called?: the booger himself
17. You yelled at?:sean
18. You laughed at?: dad
19. You had a crush on?: i love my wonderful boyfriend
20. Broke your heart?: mother?
Do You ?
22. Color your hair?: yup
24. Piercings?: ears, industrial
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? RICKY! my boyfried, and LOVE of my life
26. Floss daily? no
27. Own a webcam: yes
28. Ever get off the computer?: yea
29. Sprechen sie deutsche?: german? nope!
30. Habla espanol?: not really
General Questions
40. Considered a life of crime?: no
41. Considered being a hooker? no
42. Considered being a pimp?: no
43. Are you psycho?: i hope not
45. Schizophrenic?: no
46. Obsessive?: mayeb about some things
47. Obsessive compulsive?: nope
48. Panic?: sometimes
49. Anxiety?: yeah
50. Depressed?: nope
51. Suicidal?: nooope.
52. Obsessed with Hate?: no
53. Dream of mutilated bodies?: never actually.
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?: nope, not a violent kinda kid.
Random Stuff...
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: in hawaii with my baby
56. What would you be doing?: ;)
58. What are you listening to?: tv behind me
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body?: not really
60. Chicken or fish?: both
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be?: ducks...squirrels...elephants!
62. Current Clothes: hoodie, jeans, uggs
63. Current Mood: i feel sick
64. Current Taste: nothin
65. Current Hair: pony tail
66. Current Annoyance: jesus shit on tv
67. Current Smell: smells from the cafe at work, stuck in my nose :(
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: studying; sleeping
69. Current Desktop Picture: me and ricky
70. Current Favorite Group: dunno
71. Current Book: a million little pieces
72. Current DVD In Player: moulin rogue
73. Current Refreshment: nothing.
74. Current Worry: getting a good grade on my art his test tomorrow
76. Food: chicken parm, calzones
77. Drink: coffee, tea, water, juice, beverages of the alcoholic kind
78. Color: pink
79. Shoes: uggs
80. Candy: sweedish fish
81. Animal: ducks, squirrels, elephants
82. Movie: moulin rogue, notebook, bridget many
83. Dance: slow dancing :)
84. Vegetable: corn coliflower
85. What do you want to be when you get older?: nurse
86: Married? yes
87: Kids?: definatly
88: Living Where?: anywhere, as long as i am with my booger<3
This or That :
89: Gay or straight?: straight
90: Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
91: Writing or reading?: writing
92: Basketball or Baseball: REDSOX!
93: Walking or Running?: walking
95: Left or Right?: right
96: TV Shows or Movies?: movies
97: Britney or Christina?: brit
98: Rap or Rock?: rock
99: Day or Night?: night
100. What do people call you?: most ppl call me molly or mol. boogerface calls me boobie, or baby, or babe or sugarbutt! or or other cute stuff tooo