May 19, 2004 14:12
Wow, so it's been a while, a long, long while. Well I'm not sure how much I'll type of what's been going on lately, it all just depends on how into detail i get...
Well, I stayed up in Fernley for a couple days with my old neighbor Tiffani. I used to babysit her daughter and hang out with her like 3 years ago. She moved to Connecticut without telling me then soon after, I moved to Vegas and didn't get to keep in touch. It's a funny thing though how we got in touch again. I haven't seen her in three years. On Sunday, my brothers girlfriend Patricia came in my room and asked if I wanted to go with her out to lunch, we went to Chillis and I saw this lady there that reminded me of a dream I had that night about Tiffani... this lady looked dead on like her. It wasn't her unfortunately. I told Patricia how that lady looked like her and I told her all about my dream... Well, we ate lunch and went home and like 10 minutes after I got home... guess who calls? It was Tiffani. She is in town for the summer so her daughter can visit her Dad who still lives in that house next to my old one. She heard I moved back from Julio (she knew julio cuz me and him used to be like brothers as most of you know, and we''d go hang out with Tiffani all the time and junk) Julio gave her my number and she called, that very next day after having that dream about her. I still can't get over it. Crazy crazy crazy drawn out coincedance. So I stayed up at her house for a few days in Ferndizzle. We are going to Chipindales next friday for my late 18th bday gift.
Well, she is going back to Connecticut at the end of the summer and asked me to go back with her to live or at least to visit for a couple months. She has this big house next to a lake and an extra bedroom for me. I could drive her intrepid because she has an excursion too. and I could work out there and I'd only have to watch her daughter when she wasn't at school (in all that time of us not being in touch she had another daughter too named Paris she's about 2 and almost potty trianed thank god) so I could live with her for free as long as I watched her daughters when she needed me to and I could drive her car and work and I'd get to see a different part of the world. So in September after my brothers wedding, I'm pretty set on moving out to the east coast. I just really want to travel and see different things while I'm still young. I am going to put my stuff in storage cuz she has extra room in her storage out here for some of my stuff and if I really want to live out with her in Connecticut, I can come back later for my stuff. We are going to drive all the way there. So I'll get to see some new stuff. I have only been in three states my whole life and have never even been on a plane. I loved Vegas and all, but now I have been there and done that, I think it's time to experience things. I am just tired of Nevada. I am a fool to think I would be happy coming back to where I was. It's like I'm going through midlife crisis. I just don't see Nevada being the place for me any longer. There are people I'll be sad to leave behind, but a couple of my closest friends have broken my heart and I need to move on. I mean, my brother is getting married and I want him to live his married life without his kid sister living with him.