May 30, 2005 21:57
Paris, Texas, 2005. A non-profit organization called H.O.F.F ( Helping Orphans Find Families) was created by a collection of tobacco companies in an attempt to give back to the community. In 2010 They launched their first of several centers for the consolation of parentless children. The grand opening was filled with speeches made by celebrities from Mel Gibson to Lil’ Jon. There was a crowd of thousands upon thousands of caring people. Sad little homeless lonely kids lined up in front of the building on a red carpet. They were so cute and people threw money upon them as if they were strippers. Men in black suits collected the money in bags then took them into the building. There were a number of Marlboro and Camel vendors near where food was being sold. The cigarettes were selling out and new smokers were being made of the caring citizens of the United States. People ate it up, they loved the fact that they could help these beautiful children.
When the crowd leaves, the real party begins. Behind locked doors thousands of starving children feast upon large servings, bathe, and put on new clothes. They sleep in comfortable beds after being separated into about 100 groups. They play all day long, make new friends, and learn to love life. The children love and feel loved. More commercials fill televisions and airwaves. More orphans came in each day and the money was just raked in, but at the same time money left through advertisement, building, and other production purposes. H.O.F.F. was making more money than any other charity organization in the United States with endorsements from hundreds of businesses and celebrities along with thousands of other donations.
After about three months there is a change of routine. One night 23 of the groups are taken away and shoved into cattle cars by men in black suits. This is not a rapid change because hundreds of more orphans are arriving from all over the country. Each week the building grows but none of the children seem to notice that either because they are not allowed to leave their sections. After about 5 months the building was as big as a city and all the original children were gone.
A few hours away another warehouse building was placed in the middle of the desert labeled “21, no trespassing”. The children were thrown out of the cattle cars into the cold night and ordered to line up in front of the building in two lines, one for boys and one for girls. Orders were then given from several loud speaker attached to the front of the building:
“Boys and Girls, You are in factory 21. The boys will be given jumpsuits and are required to change into them before you enter the building, you are required to remove all piercing and jewelry. Girls, you will strip and leave your clothing and ALL your belongings here in the front, you are also required to remove any body piercing and jewelry then enter through the back of the building. Boys! walk into the open door. Girls! Follow the men in black suits”
The boys walk in, when the large metal garage door closes a gas filled the room and they fell asleep and the same happened to the girls in the backroom. The girls wake up in a laser cut off area with their forearms tied together. When the boys wake up they were forced into lines. More orders were given:
“You will work without question, it is not that hard a concept, you will be given breakfast, lunch, and dinner and a short recess once a day. At night you will sleep in bunks in another room. Boys in the front near the machine pull the large levers when the product comes out, boys in the middle drain the blood, boys in the end put the product in boxes and fold them. Your jobs will be switched every week. If at any time you have a question raise your hand and you will be taken into another room, if your question is not reasonable you will be punished. If you know what’s good for you, you will do what you’re told.”
They work hard, a few boys try to run or fight back but they are shot or thrown into another room and never came back again. If you are heard speaking you are taken to another room.
Deposits of “Substance X” are found in the bone marrow of the pelvis, sections of the ovaries, vessels in the heart, and the whites of the eyeballs in young girls and women. About one gram can be excerpted from 10 girls. This substance is about ten times more addictive than nicotine. Scientists use tubes, chisels, knives and many other gruesome tools to scrape, cut and extract the “Substance X” from little girls. In tests the removal of “Substance X” leads females to into insanity. Side effects from the removal range from suicidal tendencies and murderous thoughts to nausea and cancer. They decided that it would be best to kill the girls too after the removal of “Substance X” to save time and money.
Cigarettes are lined with a very small amount of substance X. It can be addicted to a new user with about two cigarettes with side effects less harmful than other additives in cigarettes. Cigarette prices are raised by about 6 cents but people still buy them. For the addiction, to help the orphans, and many other reasons. The orphans just keep coming in and more people become severely addicted each day. It is quite a vicious cycle.
The alcohol industry is now trying to get possession of “Substance X”.