Mar 28, 2005 11:59
sylvie u just had to stoop so low to have ur friends comment on my lj.
I don't see how I could ever be friends with u and ur B.S. And u wrote that
"I try to be soo cool"... ur not even urself anymore... so what if i changed.... it is
not as bad as u who lies. I don't even no ur friends or make a big deal about them.
SO wat if laura is my friend. U don't even know her. She is so much nicer than u will ever be..
U no what katie was right in 3rd grade... u are a bully. i mean u have done a lot of bad things to me
and I have forgiven u, but this is the last straw. 10 strikes ur out, sylvie. U don't even
no me or the things i have to deal with this year...AND I MAY BE UGLY ON THE OUTSIDE
BUT UR UGLY INSIDE AND OUT! get a fucking life. Ur no real friend.
And after u made me cry by 3 way calling an LYING to my mom that u
didn't just shows how fucked up and crazy u are. I don't see how I was ever friends with a bitch
like u.
Basketballkid199: r u ever gonna get over this?
Ilive4ShoPPing79: it depends
Ilive4ShoPPing79: why would you do that?
Ilive4ShoPPing79: i only know one thing
Ilive4ShoPPing79: you're extremely jealous of laura
Basketballkid199: charlotte to tell u the truth i really dont know wat was going through my head at that moment. i know it was wrong. its just alana has been one of my best friends ever since we met and i know i dont really know laura, but there is something about her that is fishy to me, so i wanted to protect her in a mean unfair way that shouldnt of happened. i regret it so much...i cant even explain
Ilive4ShoPPing79: yeah but why would you pretend to be me?
Ilive4ShoPPing79: you can't just do those things and expect people to forgive you right away
Basketballkid199: i dont know!! i know she listens to u and trusts u...
Basketballkid199: but i really shouldnt of put someone elses name. especially urs..cuz ur my best friend and i wouldnt want to do that to u.
Basketballkid199: but i dont know
Basketballkid199: wat was wrong with me
Basketballkid199: cuz i regret it so much
Basketballkid199: sooooo much
Basketballkid199: and i know it will take time to forgive me
Ilive4ShoPPing79: i understand your situation kind of
Ilive4ShoPPing79: and i still want to be friends
Ilive4ShoPPing79: and i do want to forgive you but i don't want to be treated like that
Ilive4ShoPPing79: i won't let myself be treated like that
Ilive4ShoPPing79: or my other friends
Ilive4ShoPPing79: laura is a sweet person
Basketballkid199: i know i sorry for doing that
Basketballkid199: i dont know her i bet she is. if shes friends with u shes good with me.
Ilive4ShoPPing79: and you might get the wrong impression of her
Ilive4ShoPPing79: and i understand how you want to protect alana
Basketballkid199: yea i got the impression of a slut that sticks money down her shirt
Ilive4ShoPPing79: but i can also tell that you're jealous of her because alana also has another good friend now
Ilive4ShoPPing79: lol
Basketballkid199: lol
Ilive4ShoPPing79: and i understand that you guys have been friends forever and that its hard to see alana have another good friend now
Ilive4ShoPPing79: and how you could be jealous
Ilive4ShoPPing79: but you have to control yourself
Basketballkid199: i know i am jealous. its just wen i get really close to a person meaning alana, its just shes changed, and we barley ever hang out anymore cuz shes always with laura
Ilive4ShoPPing79: yeah
Ilive4ShoPPing79: well if she cancels on you again for laura
Ilive4ShoPPing79: then tell her
Basketballkid199: i know i have to control my self
Ilive4ShoPPing79: can i send this convo to alana so that she understands why i'm not mad anymore?
Basketballkid199: yes
Ilive4ShoPPing79: ok
OK... so by sending me this i am even more pissed.... thanks to charlotte i no who u really are... ^ is a bunch of bullshit btw