college pressurebeabelieverSeptember 15 2006, 19:40:38 UTC
What I got out of my 4 years in college was not the academics. I could not tell you one academic thing I remember from my college days. What I did get from college that has lasted for the past 25 years was huge personal growth and development. I learned organizational skills, time management, how to work AND live AND play with others! I was exposed to so many classes in subjects I had never been exposed to before like Philosophy which caused me to reevaluate my thoughts and opinions on things. I met people from all different cultures and ethnicities with different beliefs and thought patterns than mine. I gained confidence and self-assuredness. I was challenged personally, academically and emotionally and I rose (not without a struggle at times)to the challenge. College isn't just about books. In fact, it is the rare person who decides at 18 what they want to do careerwise and then majors in that subject and sticks with it for the next 50+ years. In fact, no one I know is working in the field they majored in in college. Statistics show that the average person makes 10 job changes and up to 3 CAREER changes during the course of their work life! This is because we, as humans, are not stagnant individuals. We continue to grow and change; shaped by our life experiences. I changed my major 3 times while in college and finally graduated with a BS in Retail Management. I have had 7 jobs and 3 career changes since college and guess what? Not one of them has been in Retail Management! When I was 16, I absolutely hated mushrooms. Now, I love them. Why? Because my tastes changed as I grew. What you may want now may or may not be what you may want in 10 years. The point is, do not shut a door that can only help you down the road. College isn't about just about classes and parties (unless that is what you CHOOSE to make it be about) It is about growing and expanding as a whole person and exposing yourself to choices and opportunities that you may have never thought of. The idea that you can always go to college later on down the road is great in theory but difficult to pull off in fact. Intentions are good but time constraints, job responsibilities, spouse, kids, church, friends and money all seem to get in the way. College takes a backseat as a priority as you get older and have more responsibilities. Look at your mom as a perfect example. She is determined and strong but college is a huge burden for her to add onto her already overloaded life. Lastly, college is completely different than high school. Just because you HATE HS doesn't mean you will hate college. Everyone hates HS! College was one of the greatest times in my life and probably the time of greatest personal growth for me. That is what those of us who love you want for you Liza. College opens the door to a world of other possibilities!
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