May 06, 2008 20:12
Having a poor sense of smell has come in handy on several occasions. Working in the hospital, one comes into contact with various bodily orifices and fluids from said orifices on a regular basis. Plus, since smell is linked to taste, even the worst cafeteria food becomes somewhat edible.
On this occasion, however, having a poor sense of smell was not the way to go. For some time now, I have been waking up feeling achy and unrested. I attributed this to just being worn down near the end of 3rd year. Then on Friday, the pest control guy that comes through the building once a month discovered what I believe was the real cause. He smelled a very small gas leak that was confirmed and fixed by DTE over the weekend. This morning I woke up feeling better than I have for a long time. I'm pretty sure methane gas is not biologically active, so I should not have any long term consequences of this, but still, I hate to think that I might have let it go on simply because I didn't notice anything specific.