[1] On a whim, I asked my friend to cut off 7 inches of my hair this past weekend. I'm pretty happy with it. I'm thinking of going even shorter! It is just below my shoulders right now.
[2] [After the haircut we went to see Gravity.] Gravity was excellent. I have been kind of obsessed with it since I saw the preview last spring. After all this anticipation, it did not disappoint. It was the most original and satisfying movie I've seen in ages. *happy sigh*
[3] Recently finished the second Buffy Xbox game. Those games are SO FUN. They are both great in their own ways, but overall I suppose I prefer the first one. More funny and a wider variety of vampire enemies, I think, plus some great moves and weapons that were left out in the second one. Also the second one had a few too many sexist video game cliches. On the other hand, the second one lets you take the reins of lots of great Buffy characters, and has more playtime. Next female protagonist video game on my list: Alias.