merlin 5x03

Oct 21, 2012 15:34

Enjoyed it more than expected. What was cool about it was how they combined elements of comedy and thriller so well, without out making the thrills less thrilling (even though a lot of it was jump-in-your-seat, loud-music-screech kind of thrills, Uther was still genuinely scary). It made me think of Buffy, which never really tried to slot itself completely into one genre, it was always mixing things up (in a good way). I much prefer this kind of episode to the straight-up comedy episodes. I read somewhere that [minor upcoming season 5 spoiler]they aren't having any straight-up comedy eps this season. Yay!!

Kind of hard to believe Arthur was surprised at the things Uther said. Clearly, time had softened Arthur's memory of Uther.... I don't think that will be happening again any time soon, lol!

You know I loved the poetry bit. I almost cried, laughing so hard. x)

I like that Mordred at least had a minor scene, rather than being completely brushed aside for an episode, and I like the way he Notices Things. In fact, I think all our knights had their own small part to play in this ep, having at least one line each, Percival getting a whole scene. We don't usually get any scenes of the knights away from Arthur and Merlin. I'm really enjoying that about this season. If this is what they meant about "growing up" the series, then I am all for it.


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