Terse Verse Tuesday

Aug 09, 2011 20:27

title: Rising Constellation
character: Draco
rating: PG-13 for blood and some dark implications
words: 133
summary: Draco helps bag the bodies in the Great Hall.

Draco grabs one of the body bags and walks
toward the corner of the Great Hall
where nobody is standing.

Instead these people are laid flat and swamped
by their own black robes.
Draco stops at the feet of one.

Families of stars cluster in the blood
smeared across the floor, cast from
comely heavens onto blunt frontier.

It has been a year
since The Fall, but Draco still sees light falling
and hears the cackling spiraling out to a group of stars

he doesn't belong to. But he can tidy
what no one else will, or wants to.
Brush up a virgin constellation

and if there is a swell to her stomach
he pretends not to see it. He tucks away every last
black moonstruck curl and zips hell shut beneath him.

As hinted at with cackling and black moonstruck curl, it is Bellatrix that Draco is wrapping in a body bag. I think the years of HBP and DH will always have been the worst of Draco's life. His traditions and group of stars have been ripped from their heavenly pedestal. Wrapping up Bellatrix is Draco's way of saying goodbye to the "family values" that brought him there. But Draco is no ordinary star, he is a whole constellation. I have faith that he will rise up.

I couldn't resist swell to her stomach because Helena's pregnancy always distracted me during Bellatrix' scenes, and I could only make peace with it by pretending Bellatrix was indeed pregnant, lol. So Bellatrix died with child here, but I'm pretending she was not that far along (could Mrs Weasley have killed Bellatrix if she was obviously with child? I doubt it) but Draco notices. And I snuck the word "virgin" in the poem because I wanted to sneak in the possibility that Bellatrix took Draco's virginity... and it might be his child... that's why it was easy for him to notice the swell. Welcome to the craziness of my mind. By burying Bellatrix (and the seed of what could have been), Draco is reclaiming his body, his person, his future.

For those following this string of poems... I'm sorry for being Draco obsessed. Not. :P But I do promise Harry-centric poems in the near future.

~terse verse tuesday, ~draco my love, !poetry

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