Title: Somewhere only we know Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Summary: At the end of the journey, there was Sora, the sky, the ocean, and Riku. Written while listening to: "High on Life" by Def Tech and "Tennessee" by The Wreckers. ( Good Morning Riku! )
That's a sweet pain right there. Like poking at my heart. You're very good at the sweet angst that hurts sweetly and crudely.
Am completely in love with this fic.
Somewhere, somewhere, between the sky and the ocean, in the space where there is no darkness or light, is Riku. Riku is a twilight boy. And breaks my heart on one too many occasions.
It's called "Fics inspired on a night where I drank too much rum and coke and smoked too much and oooooh look the sun is rising and it's so pretty!" ...or maybe not.
You, my dear, are lethal with your dose of angst too. Speaking of which, can I bribe you to write me Nana angst? *smiles innocently*
Oh trust me, I'll be writing more KH. *sighs* I'm already writing a companion fic to this that's going to be LeonxCloud. Let's hope I can write them IC, hmm?
That's a sweet pain right there. Like poking at my heart. You're very good at the sweet angst that hurts sweetly and crudely.
Am completely in love with this fic.
Somewhere, somewhere, between the sky and the ocean, in the space where there is no darkness or light, is Riku.
Riku is a twilight boy. And breaks my heart on one too many occasions.
♥ You should write more KH ^_^
You, my dear, are lethal with your dose of angst too. Speaking of which, can I bribe you to write me Nana angst? *smiles innocently*
Oh trust me, I'll be writing more KH. *sighs* I'm already writing a companion fic to this that's going to be LeonxCloud. Let's hope I can write them IC, hmm?
Nana angst? Well, for you dear, anything ^_^. Just may take a while since I'm behind on fic writing. But it'll be done one day and dedicated for you.
Leon/Cloud makes me happy!
Anyways, the second part is posted and of course, it's LxC like I promised. XD
Apparently I missed that post and am kicking myself at the moment.
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