Aug 15, 2005 03:14
1) Fandoms I like:
*cackles insanely* Oh dear, oh dear. Where do I BEGIN?
Prince of Tennis, obviously. It's one of those fandoms that just bites your brain and runs away with it. *sighs* And it breeds plotbunnies. Like crazy.
Weiss Kreuz is the first fandom that I wrote for. Or co-write, rather. When I look back at those stories, however, I tend to cringe a lot.
Final Fantasy X-2: I love this game and its characters. Hey, what's not to love about a game where girls kick ass in skimpy outfits and where the guys are pure eye candy? Of course, I really should get my butt into gear and start writing "Zephyr" again. Now if only I can convince Aki...
Prince of Tennis, again, it's obvious. I really have no preference when it comes to this fandom. I'll read any pairing, crack or no crack. Err, well, maybe I'll have to admit that I wouldn't exactly read a serious MomoxANYONE fic. For some reason I can't take his character seriously and I'd rather have him in a crack fic than a serious fic. *shrugs*
Bleach is another fandom that I'm starting to really love. It's also one where I don't even CARE what it is as long as it's good or it makes me cry or laugh or both. There are some really great authors when it comes to this fandom and I've been following a couple of them.
Fullmetal Alchemist. *sighs* I don't know if it's me, but it seems as if the great authors who writes for this fandom have been somewhat distracted by other fandoms. ;___; No RoyxEd love anymore! *bawls*
Final Fantasy (VII, VIII, X & X-2). I'm very picky when it comes to VII and VIII because there are some really bad fics out there. Of course, I'm partly responsible for ONE bad VIII fic but I can safely blame that on tequila shots and a game marathon. XP I pretty much stopped reading FFX and FFX-2 fics unless I know the author. So if it's Hidama-san's work or Gysecune's work, then I will read it. Anyone else...I tend to be wary.
Weiss Kreuz. Yes, I still read from time to time. Although what I really want is for Avium to finish "Monochromatic Whispers". (Yes, I have a thing for Ken. Shut up. XD)
And err, a lot more. Real quickly: Soukyuu no Fafner. I want FIC dammit. Because the series leaves you with a lot of unanswered questions and that ending still makes me want to stab my own foot. And SoushixKazuki OTP! One Piece, Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny, Tactics, Naruto and Viewfinder.
2) First Fandom: *groans* Sailor Moon. Yes, laugh at me, I dare you. Strangely enough, I wasn't one of those USAGIXMAMORU 4EVER!!!! fangirls. I fangirled for Haruka. Oh did I fangirl for Haruka BADLY. And HarukaxMichiru is still my Sailor Moon OTP, even if I don't touch the fandom anymore. XD
3) Most recent fandom: To read? Well...One Piece I guess. The fandom is severely lacking when it comes to quality Gen fics, IMO. And where are all the Ace fics???? No love for the older brother here! And no, I do NOT mean those SmokerxAce fics.
To write? Err. HanaKimi. -___-;;; Plotbunnies. Plotbunnies from HELL! (And having a best friend who can be Nanba's twin when it comes to his character...err...yes. I'm just glad that I don't know anyone like Umeda-sensei. XD)
4) Five fandoms that mean a lot to me:
Prince of Tennis: This one is obvious, isn't it? I mean, even after the anime ended, I'm still writing fics. Oh and the manga... *___* Konomi-sensei, I LOVE YOU! Not to mention, of course, the fandom allows a LOT of crack pairing, which is always a plus for me. *cough*OT5*cough* Not to mention, of course, the number of great authors that fic for this fandom. <3333
Weiss Kreuz: It was my first yaoi fandom. And though the great authors of this fandom have all pretty much moved on, I still find myself re-reading their Weiss fics. Oh and of course, there are those good newcomers who write fics that I can actually enjoy. And of course, *grins* SIDE B!!!!
Naruto: To be absolutely honest I had to be forced into this fandom. And then someone--I think it was Shaz--made me read ONE SasuNaru fic and I was sold. Of course, the fact that it had crack, action and angst helped. And...SASUKE! *____* And of course, the number of really, really good multi-chapter fics out there. Ex: Homecoming (even though it was last updated...last year?), Walking Corpse (This is really on the top 5 of my favorite SasuNaru fics list),
Kingdom Hearts: Pretty surprising that it's here. But I love this game. It's my second favorite game (my favorite game of all time will forever be Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time) and it is also yet another game where I find myself loving the "enemy" (Seifer Almasy, Sephiroth, anyone?). So yes, I love RikuxSora because I think they're adorable together. Besides, Riku to me is a mini-Seifer anyway. Minus the asshole tendencies. ^_- (But I love Seifer regardless his attitude problem. *snickers*) And of course, there are some excellent fics out there.
Wild Adapter: I thought about this and I guess it belongs here. (That and the fact that I don’t want to write YGO on here because it was between WA and YGO. XD) I love the manga like crazy and the fact that I can only name 2-3 authors for this fandom really makes it frustrating. Because it's a GOOD series but not a lot of people know it. Of course, the fact that the authors in this fandom are terrific writers makes up for the lack of fics. <3333
5) Tag Five more people to do this meme:
Heh. How about not? XP I'd tag Shaz but she's a lazy ass. And I'd tag Seffie but she refuses to use her RL LJ account to leave me comments. ;___; No love!
And something completely unrelated. Someone please explain to me why the lead character of Memoirs of a Geisha is NOT Japanese? I have nothing against Zhang Zi-Yi because she's GORGEOUS but...err...heh?