Cancer (end game)

Sep 20, 2017 12:11

It's now the end game for me and my long running battle. From the nipples up, I look like a POW, down, my body is retaining so much fluid I can't bend my legs and my abdomen is swollen too much to bend over. I also have fluid building up on my right lung, but I have a new chest tube I can use to draw it off every couple of days so I can breath.

Saw my local oncologist and the one a Duke and, though they disagree on what is the cause (one says the cancer is broken down my liver and other organs, the other says all these years of toxic drugs, huge does of gamma rays, etc. is what is causing the organ failure) they both agree that there are no treatment options that will affect the end game.

Best guess, weeks, maybe months.

Time to start giving my grandchildren the things they would like to have so I can enjoy them receiving the stuff before I'm gone.
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