Another crazy lady

Oct 24, 2006 02:30

The most recent patient I had was at an upscale group home - 4 bedrooms, really nice, huge, nice backyard, the whole shebang. She was "gothic".. pumping white zombie in her room, wore black lipstick and a grim reaper-like cape and hood, and completely fucking bonkers. Things she said throughout the night:

Im made of dead peoples body parts stitched together by satan.

The Nazi psychics stole money from my bank account, took all my SSI money, now im not a princess anymore.

I am the Woman version of the almighty god.

I used to have jenny mccarthys boobs but they got cut off and now im fat.

I burn myself with cigarettes to keep away the liar's spirits.

I have sex magic that the devil gave me to make men come on me in 5 minutes.

I sold my soul to madonna thats how she made all her songs.

She was dead serious with all this, and got very upset if I questioned any of it. It was hard not to laugh at a lot of it though, and after awhile I just wished she would shut the fuck up.
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