Nov 01, 2004 01:26

fav set of lines
"Next person who talks, I'm smacking with the D20 modern handbook."
"How hard?"

fav idea for a campain add-in "A fighter used a living Goblin as a club for three sessions, making sure to keep it well bound and fully healed outside of combat. He finally let it go when I wouldn't let him get enchanted into a +2 flaming burst goblin because it wasn't a masterwork goblin to begin with."

hee hee hee I have some new books and it's been a bit since I showed off on here, k my new list, DUN, DUN DUN, DUUN (drum role)

01. Player's Handbook
02. Player's Handbook v3.5
03. Psionics Handbook
04. Expanded Psionics Handbook
05. Planar Handbook
06. Epic Level Handbook
07. Complete Warrior
08. Complete Divine
09. Savage Species
10. Unearthed Arcana
11. Races of Stone
12. Frostburn
13. Oriental Adventures
14. Draconomicon
15. Libris Mortis
16. Book of Vile Darkness
17. Book of Exalted Deeds
18. Arms and Equipment Guide
19. Dungeon Masters Guide
20. Dungeon Masters Guide v3.5
21. Deities and Demigods
22. Manual of the Planes
23. Monster Manual
24. Monster Manual v3.5
25. Monster Manual 2
26. Monster Manual 3
27. Fiend Folio
28. Ghostwalk
29. The Wheel of Time
30. Stronghold Builder's Guidebook
31. Hero Builder's Guidebook
32. Defenders of the Faith
33. Masters of the Wild
34. Song and Silence
35. Sword and Fist
36. Tome and Blood
37. Book of Challenges
38. Monster Compendium: Monsters of Faerun
39. Prophecies of the Dragon

from now on they only come out once a month so I have to slow down a bit but the next one out is "Complet Arcane" can't wait to see whats in there, magics the best part. latly I've been working on a combo of Libues Mortes and Frostburn, which make for some very cold hearted undead, but that might be just because they are my latest books, also working on an idea for a family histry for the a Noble family line, ha started out as just a basic histroy for a PC I was bored and makeing up. the half Vampire idea is very cool, now it works very well with the shapshifters but it does kind of suck because other than a campain book I now have no way of making a none humanoid vamp by the rules. there have been some great sugestions for new books but I don't know if they are getting to the athors, there needs to be a book on Golems and other creations and I think there needs to be one on templats only, there are so damn many of them, I want a book with every spell from every book I have so I can really have a better chance at learning them. as far as I can tell my knolage of the books is good enough to play a 15th Monk, 7th Sor, 2 Rang, 5 wiz, 20+ fighter, 9th cleric, 13th Roge, and 1st level druid, I don't even have the basics down yet on the phionic classes or any of the other new classes out there but I think I need to better master the Arcan side of the books before I should go for the phonic, I've been avoiding the Divin because I don't like having a PC repling on other powers for their own but I need to learn if I want to get anywere with this, I can still work with higher level NPCs as a DM because theres no knolage of the game play needed to make the basic story but to really get what I want out of this campain I need to have masted every detail down to what feats afect what levels in the best posible way. but like I said, I'm learning, just kind of slowly. been other thins on my mind latly but I'm back to play again now and the ideas are flooding out fast, I also have been messing around with the game morrowind, not enough to make any maps yet, just the game play but damn thats a cool game, it's just making me a little messed on some of the tecnics of DnD when I get the two confused. oh well, any ideas would be great, was thinking of the main bady to be ether a soul eating and stealing Suckubus or a Major Master Vamp or both. some great ideas on that are now out there for me to use but I want to keep working on the small stuff for now, it's balanceing out the main new race I have, 4 arms and no level ajustment only works on a Small size guy which sucks for a lot of what I want to do. and I still can't seem to balance out my new class that is basily a blank class where you start with nothing but access to all feats and skills, it's like a cooler vertion of the old Expert class. I needed something I could easly work with feats, it starts with no class skills or feats, no knolage of weapons, not even a single simple one but I can't work out what the bounes feat progreasion list should be like, it can't copy anything else because they all have other class benifits, and the hps has to be avrage not low for this guy to work, a monk like guy with 4 arms should be fun to play specly with no wasted feats on weapon knolage. a class you can truly personlise. made a few spells but that was just shiznitcrap because they were loop hole spells made useing epic level rules. I need some more info on soul useage, so far theres nothing much out there sept for a soul worth 10 ex in a spell and tainting it evil, I want to find a rule list of how much a good or evil soul might differ for surten things, don't you think the souls of vergins would be more pure for some spells and the souls of evil high level tyrents more powerfule for others. some cool things out there though, like using each one to add a week per soul to your PCs life, they grow younger by a week for each soul used in this way, anyways the books are needed to know how this all works but I need any books with rules on how to deal with diffrent kinds of souls
got a few ideas based on such things and they don't work so well if all souls are worth the same. ideas would be great thanks
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