Mar 19, 2004 10:05

the first post sets the mood for all of the rest but SCREW THAT, I plan on keeping this thing privet because VERY FEW people I know actuly like Dungeons and Dragons, and that's what this is about, so, to avoide thoughs people who are so shallow as to tease someone else for something they like just because that person does not understand it, I plan on only letting in a few people that I know for sure would be intrested, if you wish to see for your self what I have come up with, for one thing, wait at least a month from this posting because I am yet to add anything. and second, you'll have to prove it to me by commenting to this post. and good luck with that since I know all but one of my friends is acaly intrested in this stuff. still, you do have a chance if you wish to prove me wrong, only one chance though. k and on to the good stuff, since thoughs who see this post and only this post wont be seeing much else I might as well make it intresting right?
k here we go

Somewhere Theres Someone Who Dreams Of Your Smile,
And Finds In Your Presence That Life Is Worth While,
So When You Are Lonely Remember Its True: Somebody,
Somewhere Is Thinking Of You!

that's to scare away any brates who don't like mushy stuff, hee hee hee
my line to live by:

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow.

the blunt truth and a good way to live:

A fool can be honest for it is only what he knows,
but a wise man knows when to share the truth.

a good way to make friends:

I destroy my enemies by making them my friends. - Abraham Lincan.

kind of creepy:
the soul gives off light and death is it's shadow,
when the light dims life and death become one.

and finaly a small tast of some of the things I'll be working on in here, this is a small critter I'll be makeing and talking about, putting my ideas down here to see if it can help me come up with more, so here you go, a single critter I made but I plan on makeing a more complext one soon since I own more books to work with than I did when I made this thing:
p.s. for thoughs of you who have no idea what the hell half of this means, don't even try to asking for access to the rest.

Tauric Multiheaded Incarnate Construct Half-Iron Golem Shadow Half-fire Elemental Wood Element Gelatinous Insectile Reptilian Half-Troll Half-Red Dragon Fiendish Anerchic Half-Fey Axiomatic Currupted Celestial Draconic Winged Feral Anthropomorphic Legendary Ape of Legend-Shadow Half-Fire Half-Fiend Anerchic Large Monstrous Spider
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