Dec 24, 2005 23:05
The death of an old year is apon us but like an anchant tree falling in a forest, what remains brings life to the seedlings of the following years to come. and so it is with much sorrow and great hope that I say good bye to what has been and look foward to what resolts of my creations may floresh on into the next year.
If only we could go back and pick what moments should have gone our way and what moments should not have happend, but even if the worst has happend because of our hand it only serves to mold us into what we are today, we would not know the fire of a candle was hot if we did not get burned a few times.
But sometimes thoughs scares can be so painful that they seem to take up all our lives, seeing and feeling nothing but the fear that our horrible past will be our only fucher, but there are always changes, what our fears were last year at this time are now diffrent or changed and so it will be again in the next.
Sometimes the grand moments of our past are the lessons of our fuchers, the intensty of somone we meet, if only for a moment, will stay with us for all our lives, will shape us to better our selves and will become the embodyment of our hopes and dreams and the symble of our very will to contunue our path foward.
These are the moments I live to remember, though our missdeeds can shape our better choices they are memerys of regret and there for never forgotten. so I strive to only think on, and burn into me, the memerys of great moments and the musses in my life, never to try to forget the bad for they are also who I am but to never, ever, forget the good for they make up the pure sides of our souls.
And so I wish you all a grand year of adventour and self discovery, even if only in your back yard, and I hope your hopes will come that much closer to being relised.
Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year
from your friend always