The Second

Nov 29, 2008 10:59

(Penmanship is sort of chickenscratch. Bland, small. Nothing special.)

Excuse my short disappearance. I used my time to move what belongings I had into the residential area of Edensphere and to explore a little bit of this world after studying the map. It seems the fourth floor is unaccessible. Why is this?

I have also taken a look at all the jobs. However, there seems to be none regarding technology. This is quite disappointing. However, I do not have enough resources or information on this world to start up such a service. Perhaps later on, after I have gained the mentioned items, I will do so.

I have observed, though, that besides the city and the elevator, there seems to be few mentions of technology. I may look into this.


(added in maybe 5 minutes later)

I have forgotten to mention that I am interested in working at the weaponry store, if it is hiring. If the store owner could contact me here and schedule a meeting or whatever it is that needs to be done, it would be appreciated.
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