Feb 01, 2007 13:16
oh well got used to the working environment now.
hmm, coming here has made me realised that I have no interest in dabbling in unit trusts, FX exchange, bonds etc.
yes this industry can earn you loads of money, cos you earn commissions.
imagine you earning a minute commission from transaction which involves millions of dollars.
hmm, yep the money is very attractive. but too bad I have no interest.
sigh its so sad to say that at this stage of my life, I am still not really very sure of what I wanna do in the future.
Its either I don't like the course, or i couldnt get in due to my bad grades.
waiting for my colleagues to finish their work so that we could go for lunch. grrrrr..
and i just realised that the chairs we are using are from this brand called Herman Miller.
The Aeron chair we are using is retailing at 1150 sterling pounds. SGD shld be around $3150. I cant believe that they can spend so much on a bloody chair. -_-"