Yesterday I mentioned my livejournal, and woefully realized that this whole experience may very well be coming to an end. I surely hope not, but with the status of my computer (copying and pasting every p is not the most pleasurable experience, especially when there are a number of other keys that need to be pasted as well. So, there are some punctuation marks that will be missing. Hopefully my future self will be able to interpret this punctuation free code. Also, future self, if you're reading this, clean your room. .end parenthesis. and with the sheer amount of busy I'm experiencing at the moment, I'm not too sure about the lifearchive.
Speaking of the busy, work both consumes and enriches my life in the most wonderful ways possible. Yes, I may have fallen off the map, yes, my days off may be spent sleeping and seeing my mom instead of doing regular 22yo thangs, but I wouldn't change a thing. I just looked back and found my first entry about the Cinnamon Snail and couldn't stop laughing. I guess sometimes things do work out for the better.
Another wonderful working.dash.out.dash.for.dash.the.dash.better is my whole bohemian rhapsody summer. Got my first present that I didn't have to beg for, and even thought Tallulah tried her best to sabotage my HAppINESS that wild DOG my pilot cow survived. Driving down to MD later next month.
Oh and, so back to work stuff, stayed in NYC for the week for a food protection course, and got to stay with my wonderful Camille! We ate a lot of good food, and watched so fun television, and I love all my time spent there. It was especially nice that I had about three free hours a day where I was able to actually read and write and think all by myself. Reading Expect Resistance. Not quite finished, but I really do enjoy it. Can't say I agree with everything, it really has helped in my lethargic evolution into the person I'd like to become. While every moment with my dear in the city is priceless, ONE sticks out more than the others. Lula's. Lula's. Lula's. Vegan.. ice cream.............. q4aoklsd we got a brownie sundae with graham cracker crumbles and and peanut butter ice cream and coffee ice cream and my tears from joy it was wild and wonderful and we're going back for my mom's birthday. Also going to Taim for my mom's birthday. Best falafel ever. Everever. Aaand we're going to the Bob Dylan art exhibit and Blossom I think.
This all reminded me of the Vendy's because I ate Lula's and Taim on that day too. It was pretty crazy, waking up to help make something like eight hundred doughnuts then driving to governor's island to give out all this wonderful food, but it was so much fun! And I love everyone I work with and all of our customers and we won one of our two categories! Way to go ya bourbony creme brulee doughnuts!
The best part of fall .questionmark. Oh, no no, it's not the rainbow leaves or the quick nip when I step outside. It's the return of my hot pink, glitter encrusted, shinysparkly skull that watches over me in the night.
I'm sitting here trying to think of anything interesting that's happened to me recently, but I'm drawing a blank. So, I'll leave with a song.
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