What a Long Week!

May 21, 2009 15:28

Here's an attempt at documenting the most least exciting life ever!
This year, I haven't really been taking pictures since the SF trips. I've been debating whether I should save up for a dSLR, but for now I'll have to make due with what I have.

Monday, May 18

I changed the toilet paper roll!

I tried making those really nice toothpaste dollops that you see in commercials. FAILED.

Ants were taking over the kitchen!

The new stove ruined my scrambled eggs! (Not me.)

The new stove also ruined my pancakes! And indirectly my udon because I decided to dump my eggs in there.

And finally, I potted my bamboos into a larger pot!
6 stalks = happiness

Stephanie called me this morning afternoon around 12:30pm. She just got out of the shower; I was still in bed.
10 minutes later, we were on our way to IHS to attend the ...
Renaissance Faire!
Really though, we spent the majority of our time talking to Mr. Elwell and Senor Gonzalez.

Stephanie driving! (Also, note her longer hair! She's been growing it out!)


LOL. What is up with our campus!?! We never had these signs before. Where's the fun without lost freshmen?

We were a bit disappointed with the fair. Where were the costumes? The scavenger hunt? And apparently everyone (but the boys) wanted to be a fairy this year.

I'm gonna end this post with Leo, the knight who has glitter in his hands and hair.

Hopefully, Stephanie and I can hang out again ...with Alvin!

ihs, pictures, funtimes, friends

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