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Apr 21, 2010 00:07

  • 09:50 This morning has been very Three Stooges except I am the only Stooge. #
  • 10:36 @ TheUsagi That is an authentic statement. #
  • 11:21 Old poem for #poettues: Aubade for a City #amwriting #
  • 11:45 So tired. Already pondering lunch. Attention span approaching zero and expected to hit the negatives. #
  • 11:51 @ karlnp wha happen #
  • 12:07 Having one of those "I'm a crappy writer" days. Blargh. #
  • 12:08 Not looking for sympathy/attention by the way, just venting in 140 characters or fewer. #allworkandnoplaymakeshomersomethingsomething #
  • 12:11 @ karlnp Ah, term papers. One day you will probably remember them fondly but meanwhile they are a source of much dismay. Sucky. :-( #
  • 12:23 @ Varethius What do you mean by combined commentary? #
  • 13:13 Added Google Friends Connect to my blog, anyone want to test it out? #
  • 13:15 @ marisabirns @smarthero Yay, thanks you guys! #
  • 13:24 @ Wisneski Seems to be going around. Write this one off and assume tomorrow will rock. #
  • 13:28 @ SevenDeluxe I get that, too. My blog traffic spikes on Fridays and then goes splat by Sunday. #
  • 13:33 @ SevenDeluxe Yup, that too. #
  • 13:36 @ SevenDeluxe @asandiford My traffic really sucks regardless so /shrug #
  • 13:39 @ SevenDeluxe SAYS YOU #
  • 13:39 @ SevenDeluxe #ididitallforthenookie #
  • 13:50 @ SevenDeluxe #THENOOKIE #
  • 14:07 Again, my #poettues offering: Aubade for a City #amwriting #
  • 14:08 And if you missed the "news," I added Google Friends Connect to my blog #
  • 14:45 @ VisionOfClarity Cool! I haven't explored it fully yet but will do so now. #
  • 15:26 @ matthewdyer Make it otherwise? #
  • 15:29 @ safetycomfort Thanks very much! Saw you on someone else's Twitter thingy and figured you for a fun type. :-D #
  • 15:31 @ matthewdyer Either would work, I think. Group would take some strain off you maybe? #
  • 15:43 Fly! RT @TonyNoland: Superpower question: would you rather be able to fly or to turn invisible? #
  • 16:43 @ cwunch I feel that way about Flash #
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