Apr 13, 2010 00:16
- 00:26 I did not write a darn thing today apart from tweets and emails. Television, ladies and gentlemen. #
- 00:35 @ Druhim Is that what the stuff leaking out of my ears and nose is? #
- 00:35 @ weavermatic That sounds both fun and delicious. Do you also have many dishes piled in your sink? If so, hi5. #
- 11:15 Wondering whether I should delete a snarky comment made on a troll's post somewhere. Hmm... #
- 11:19 @ SheriB626 @VisionOfClarity ficly.com/stories/16742 #
- 11:19 @ SheriB626 @VisionOfClarity I do hate giving him the traffic but whatevs. #
- 11:23 Microfic audience participation time! I need a noun and a location. #amwriting #
- 11:27 @ DrewwwwB That guy (girl?) in particular is almost certainly just trolling for attention. I don't get that mentality. #
- 11:27 @ SheriB626 Yup, that is why I responded with the most inane thing I could think of. :-P #
- 11:29 Awesome replies in seconds! Thanks @melissadominic @TheUsagi @marisabirns #
- 11:31 @ SheriB626 @VisionOfClarity The same person wrote an incomprehensible sequel to that robot story I wrote way back when. S/he's an idiot. #
- 11:53 @ saramcclung The latter (rhymes with fur). #
- 12:46 Check out my picks for the Beautiful Blogger award! candleinsunshine.com/asthemoonclimbs/news/beautiful-blogger-award/ #
- 12:56 Please stop in to get your award! bit.ly/cuBifg @atrinza @orikae @melissadominic #
- 12:56 Please stop in to get your award! bit.ly/cuBifg @p_killingly @marisabirns @mazzz_in_leeds @ericjkrause @FutureNostalgic #
- 13:01 Please stop in to get your award! bit.ly/cuBifg @RandomOenophile @ganymeder @2maraA @lauraeno @CarrieClevenger @JenBeeTeaWren #
- 13:02 Please stop in to get your award! bit.ly/cuBifg @SevenDeluxe @techtigger #
- 13:09 @ notasenator DO EET! #
- 13:19 @ SevenDeluxe So are we both awesome by proxy then? I am ok with that! #
- 14:05 New microfic: Bad Habit candleinsunshine.com/asthemoonclimbs/microfic/bad-habit/ ficly.com/stories/16877 #amwriting #
- 14:18 @ karenfrommentor You know picking at it only makes it worse... lol #
- 14:21 @ karenfrommentor Well I don't know but I think it's your responsibility to crazy glue the hole shut. Or sew it if that will work better. #
- 14:46 Ready for work to be over. What do you mean, three more hours. GRRR. #
- 14:50 @ SevenDeluxe Yeah but I bet you have been at work for a proportionately shorter amount of time, eh? Eh? #
- 15:00 @ JendelaOsa You and your good morning and your espresso and hugs. Taste my jealousy. Taste it! It tastes like burnt popcorn and gasoline. #
- 15:19 Aw, now the troll has started a fight on one of my pieces. So sad. So trollsome. #
- 15:23 @ AmaliaTd Here you go! ficly.com/stories/16730 #
- 15:25 @ notasenator ficly.com/stories/16730 It really is precious. #
- 15:29 @ AmaliaTd Isn't it though? But what kind of something... like balloon full of shaving cream or Tickle Me Elmo with a ball gag? #
- 15:36 @ TheUsagi Of course! He is the only one who understands his own perfect genius. Also he may be a she based on one of the comments. #
- 15:37 @ TheUsagi No it is beautiful and precious and must be cultivated like a rare desert rose. #
- 15:42 @ notasenator @Druhim @TheUsagi and then I was the n00bs #
- 15:46 @ TheUsagi Dark eyeliner and mesh panty hose all up ins #
- 15:46 @ TheUsagi @Druhim FYI I cross-post everything on my blog so you don't have to enter the realm of Ficly if you so desire. #
- 16:14 Once more, check out my picks for the Beautiful Blogger award! candleinsunshine.com/asthemoonclimbs/news/beautiful-blogger-award/ #
- 16:16 Please stop in to get your award! bit.ly/cuBifg @techtigger @RandomOenophile @ganymeder @CarrieClevenger @JenBeeTeaWren @p_killingly #
- 16:17 Please stop in to get your award! bit.ly/cuBifg @mazzz_in_leeds @ericjkrause @FutureNostalgic @atrinza @orikae @melissadominic #
- 16:19 @ techtigger No worries, I took a week to give mine away. Do it when you have the time. :-D #
- 16:28 @ icpchad What is the attention/mention game? #
- 16:31 Every once in a while I almost reply to a celebrity's tweet thinking that it's one of my friends. #notactuallyfriendswiththem #
- 16:32 @ icpchad Ah, I see. But mentioning new stuff on your blog or friend's blog is okay, yes? #
- 16:35 @ asandiford If Nick Frost responded to me, I think I would wet my pants with glee. But if he didn't I would just feel weird so... /shrug #
- 16:38 @ asandiford They go in my famous people list just like anyone else. Wanna give Kurtz a hug. #
- 16:41 @ robcham Totoro is the best, what is the problem here #
- 16:52 @ NextNewNexus I only follow the ones that I am genuinely interested in reading about. Certainly none of the pop culturati or whatever. #
- 16:52 @ Jenzarina Thanks very much, ma'am! I aim to please. :-D #
- 16:53 @ Druhim can... can I touch the man that Kate Beaton replied to #
- 16:54 @ patsquinade THWACK! That is the sound of me punching you with my mind, in case it wasn't clear. #
- 16:55 @ patsquinade Have you ever actually met any of the famous voice actor types? If so, my hate for you is compounded. #
- 16:58 @ notasenator biting your nails in anticipation #
- 16:59 @ robcham <3<3<3 hearts or pointy penises, you decide! #
- 17:00 @ TheUsagi I have now added you as well, yay! #
- 17:09 @ Jenzarina best season! I'm in the middle of it with my husband, though I've seen it before. #
- 17:09 @ melissadominic You deserve it, girly. I don't hand them out for nothing. Liked your piece this morning. #
- 17:10 @ cwunch Hey wanna hang out tonight? How about breakfast tomorrow? Lunch? Dinner? The next day? I washed your sheets, hope you don't mind. #
- 17:29 @ Doublelattemama Do you use Firefox? Sometimes that chokes. #
- 17:32 @ asandiford You don't have to do that, but you do have to be meticulous about your filing and such. #
- 17:37 @ asandiford Yeah, I have no idea how freelancing and unemployment work when combined. I would think not well. #
- 17:41 @ asandiford Well, either way, keep all your receipts for everything that might possibly be considered a business expense. #
- 17:41 @ asandiford Easiest thing to do is have a separate file or envelope for every month and just stash them in there. Maybe make a spreadsheet. #
- 18:07 New microfic: Bad Habit candleinsunshine.com/asthemoonclimbs/microfic/bad-habit/ ficly.com/stories/16877 #amwriting #
- 18:07 @ CarrieClevenger Not at all, ma'am. :-) #
- 18:36 @ marisabirns I hope to write something for each response but your suggestion was most immediately compelling. Thanks! #
- 21:01 Once more, check out my picks for the Beautiful Blogger award! candleinsunshine.com/asthemoonclimbs/news/beautiful-blogger-award/ #
- 21:06 Is there anything more fun in this world than changing kitty litter? I think so! #
- 21:26 @ Druhim WHISKER WATCH ALERT #
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