Jul 15, 2005 23:15
Today was a such a blur...i wish i could relive so i could remember the details...lol I got to sleep in late which was sweet. Then the Thunder girls scrimmaged the Thunder boys. There were only 5 girls there and I'm pretty sure we got our butts kicked! Oh well, it was for the conditioning anyway. We leave next Tuesday so that's exciting!!! I hit some 3's which is unusual...lol...my shot has actually been on lately...bizarre!!! lol Then after practice, i rushed home to get ready to go to the movies with my sis Sara, Josh, and his lil sis Leah was gunna come to but she ended up not coming. We went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was kinda a strange movie not necessarily in a bad way. The oomp-loompa's were soooo funny....lol Then I went to Il Primos with my family and now I'm home talking on the computer to people. Well that was my day....