May 12, 2008 22:16
i just called my mom to make a dr's appointment.
thankfully, she did not freak out on me. i didn't want to explain to her that the only way i could be pregnant would be by some weird awkwardness of dirty hands or something. but i explained that i am pretty sure i am NOT pregnant.
i just need to see a dr.
my body hurts in awful ways. i have these intense menstral cramps depsite being on birth control and having missed my period these past two months.
i currently exist in a state of uteran pain, hyper sensitivity and over emotion.
this has got to be from stress and lack of sleep
i would like some relief. i would like an unnaturally induced period if at all possible. just so i know that my period is still out there somewhere.
i actually miss it.
crotch blood- come home to me.