Nov 19, 2007 11:05
I don't see you all enough.
If you see this.
I want to see you.
Every Friday Night is poker night at my place (unless it gets cancelled).
We watch movies and play poker and board games and cards.
2 rules: bring food (or drinks like 2 liters or cans) and get along with everyone.
If you play poker, it can be anywhere from a free - $10 buy in. Usually tournament style (i'm trying to get them to down this to $5, and cash-in/out)
The food stays behind when you leave (hey! we're poor! deal!)
I need more females, it's serious sausage fest.
If you want to crash, that's fine, Let me know ahead of time.
Get in touch with me (via cel phone!!!) and i will give you the new house number!)
Love you, miss you, adios.