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Feb 24, 2009 13:32

Title: Powerless
Fandom: Ace Attorney series
Character/Pairing: Pearl --> Daryan
Summary: She felt utterly powerless; her hands were tied. Slight AU where Pearl was present during AJ.
Author's Notes: Always needs moar Daryan/Pearl.

“Time, whose tooth gnaws away everything else, is powerless against truth.”

-Thomas Huxley

She had never felt more powerless in her entire life than when she saw him being led away by the bailiff.

Always a decent judge of character, she had thought that even with the attitude and purported enigmatic atmosphere about him, Daryan Crescend wasn’t someone who would commit such a heinous act. Worse than that, she struggled to wrap her head around the very reason he killed someone in cold blood. As far as she could see, there were too many holes in the story for it to make any sense at all.

She saw the accomplished looks on Trucy and Apollo’s faces and became fixated with the floor. She could say nothing in their presence; nothing truthful, anyway. She knew that this was their hard-earned victory and that she could not find it within her to impede upon that.

There was no fathomable reason for her distress over his fate. She repeatedly attempted to convince herself that if the information the trial yielded was true, then he had what was coming to him in the first place. Maybe it was just another round of bad judgment on her part.

Somehow, this had hurt more than her other misgivings.

So she held her tongue and watched solemnly, knowing that her hands were tied.

fandom: ace attorney, fanfic50, character: pearl fey, pairing: daryan/pearl

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