
Aug 06, 2007 19:46

I am knocked over like woah by all the really, really nice feedback for Stop Thinking.  Seriously, I can't believe the awesome.

I have an entire week off from work!  I don't have to go back until the 13th (this assumes no one misplaces anything and calls me to harass me about whatever disaster has befallen the stacks in the meantime).  I didn't make any travel plans or whatever because I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to get the vacation time in, which sort of leaves me at loose ends.... which is OK.

I hope to get a lot of writing in, which is sort of urgent, since I have a stream of challenge stories coming due from now until October.  Please to be reminding me not to sign up for any more fic challenges for the next two months no matter how cool they sound.  Thank you.

Speaking of sign-ups, I've signed up to write DVD-style commentary for
stele3's SPN story, The 1300 Days, over at DVD Commentary Challenge.  I confess I avoided reading this story for a long time despite seeing it recced several times-- mostly because I have very strict needs for Stanford-era, preseries fic, and I am usually disappointed. 
stele3's fic not only is the exception to that rule, it literally blew me away, and has taken a place in my personal preseries Stanford-era canon shared by only one or two other stories.  I had shamefully neglected to give
stele3 feedback, however, mostly because was overwhelmed by the awesome and didn't know where to start.  So this DVD Commentary is my opportunity to rectify that. :)
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